Zoe is a young volunteer from Canada who helped at our two Trivandrum schools for three weeks in August of 2007. She taught English to the children and helped paint one of the schools. Zoe lent an artistic hand when we livened up a very drab partition wall by painting it with cartoons. Zoe is back in Canada with some creative fundraising plans.

A Letter from Zoe: Hi Malati! How are u? WE MISS YOU! I miss Didi, Vinita, Navanita, Beena and Kushi (the kids) SOOO MUCH! I can't wait to see them again very soon one day. I want to thank you for everything you have done, there are no words for my experience, I had the time of my life. I really wish I had done so much more, and I'm really sorry we couldn't give more. I will be starting school in a few days, so as soon as I settle down and start work again, I'm going to organize a group on Facebook and provide information for sponsors. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU a million times thank you!

Love Zoe (volunteered in Trivandrum, South India)