Yvonne (March, 2013)
I wish I had at least 2 months in India to really explore this colorful
vast country and spend more time at the Jagriti Children's Home and the
Ananda Marga Primary School. Nevertheless these 2 short experiences were the highlights of my trip
in March 2013.
Didi Anand Gautami and her staff run an amazing Children's Home in Jaipur. The house is always clean, filled with children's voices and laughters. Lunches are simple but delicious and bountiful for everyone. Despite her severe arthritis, Didi Gautami keeps herself available to the children and volunteers if they need anything from her, questions to be answered. You can see the home is run with discipline but also with a loving heart. Under Didi's guidance, the children feel loved and secured to be kids again. They're also taught to be responsible for themselves and to concentrate hard on their school work, knowing that their future depends on it. They are so eager to learn that it is such a pleasure to teach them and help them study for their English exams. Each day, morning and afternoon, different groups of children, lovely in their different school uniforms will go to and come back from schools. And every time, they will go say good bye or hello to Didi and talk to her about their school work or anything else. it's great to see such respect and bond between them.
Didi, often time, takes into the Home a group a young siblings , orphans or from a distressed family that cannot afford to raise them, so they will not be separated. I think this is such a kind hearted gesture.
Us, volunteers are very well treated as well. We're always asked if we need anything and if we have enough to eat. A clean room is offered to volunteers who want to stay right at the Home. And if you happen to be sick, Didi will take you to a doctor or hospital.
When I came to the Ananda Marga Primary School in Trivandrum -South India, it was near the end of March which means exams time and end of the school year.
Ananda Marga Primary School is very well run by young Didi Vanii Pooja. There are also 2 teachers and a lady helper. The children are taught mostly in Malyalam, the native language of the region Kerala. So they do need volunteers here to teach and practice English with them. Lunches made by Didi Vanii are always delicious treats. Again, a room is available for volunteers if they want to stay at the school.
The children are lovely in their red and black school uniform and always so studious but believe me, they know how to have fun too! Didi Vanii and i also have fun repainting the rooms that need to be refreshen up. It's hard work but so satisfying knowing that the children will be happy coming back after the holiday to a fresh and colorful school.
I will always remember and cherish these experiences that have enriched my life in so many ways. Please come to this amazing country and be part of something wonderful!
Yvonne Nhan (Calgary, Canada).