My husband and I worked at the Ananda Marga Girls High School from
February 2008 to March 2008. We had such a fantastic welcome from
the Didis and all of the girls. Everyone was so friendly and they
made us feel completely at home. We taught English classes, helped
with the gardening and played cricket with the girls. While the girls
were studying we would either talk to the Didis or just relax in the
sun. We had delicious food every day and our accommodation was very
comfortable. We took regular walks around the area and found the villagers
were interested in meeting us. We learned a lot about Indian culture
and the girls enjoyed teaching us some Bengali. I wish we could have
stayed longer as we met such wonderful people and working with the
girls was so rewarding. We had an amazing time at the orphanage and
I hope we can go back there one day.