Simona (November, 2014)
My name is Simona, I am 23 years old and I
volunteered almost one month at the Orphanage in
Jaipur. Didi, the founder of this lovely
orphanage is one of the most amazing people I
have met in my life. She applied herself to the
children. She is able to take care of so many
children and women, even though she is very affected by her health.
There was no time I didn't feel comfortable or home at the place Didi built for all those needy persons. Not just Didi, but all the children and women took care of me, like of a little sister.
After waking up I firstly had breakfast together with all of the children and women. We ate on the floor and used our fingers to eat. When we were done with that we mostly start the English lessons. Therefore I used several ideas. We made posters or fabricated little comics. Sometimes we were just reading stories together or made tasks ourselves. The children are taught to be assiduously and always motivated when it comes to education. Didi made them definitely clear that being educated is the biggest freedom they will reach in life. And because of this they were very passionate about practising. Instead of just playing with a ball they tried to transform playing into something to learn. It was a pleasure to teach those kind and grateful children who appreciate everything they have.
As a break we used to have a wonderful lunch prepared by the kind ladies of the house. The food is vegan and absolutley delicious. They take care it's not too spicy even though the children will make fun of you.
When we finished work for the day we played some games. Mostly at the rooftop since there you see a stunning sunset and also get a bit of wind at these really hot summer times. Before we had dinner we meditated. An experience I kept for my life. Its calms soul and mind down and gives you the strength to focus on the important and good things. After that we did Yoga to bring body and mind in line. The children's were a good help for me since I haven't had any experience before. In some days of the week I attended the children's dance classes which also always have been a pleasure to watch. Sometimes I even tried to dance by myself with them.
All in all this time has been one of the most memorable times in my life. The gratefulness had no end and it was heartbreaking watching this.
Once Anjali knocked at my door at 2 am. I was super worried and asked her what was wrong. She said she still wanted to do some work for school but outside moskitos were biting her. So she asked if she could keep doing the homework in my room. Of course I let her in and helped her with the homework. The next day I wanted to reward her and asked what she would like to have if there was something she could choose from the department store. She laughed and answered that she didn't want anything from the department store. I told her that I wasn't about to buy her something but I was just curious. She said "Oh Simona I've got everything I need thank you!" Those words will stick to my mind forever. I loved every single child and word. I don't want to prettify everything. Because I definitley pushed the envelope. The room I was sleeping in was very tiny and the bed was more a table with some foam on top. The toilet is just usually a hole in the floor. The shower is where the other ladies shower and it is selected in a rain barrel where you have to skim the water out with a little bucket. The area the orphanage is based is surrounded by a slum. Homeless people have built up their homes in little plastic tents and right next to rubbish piles. I was never allowed to leave the orphanage at night time and at day time Didi took care someone was with me. This means security but it also means less freedom. So you need to be aware of the upcoming situation. But every moment is worth a smile of the children. You can't change the world but you can change someone's life with showing them that you care.