Comments on the Christmas English Camp held at Panskura 2005

I loved my babies in the 5 year olds class. I loved the Didi's in the English class and in the ashram in Calcutta later.

I loved working with Malati and watching her amazing commitment to India and to the poorest of the poor. I loved the 3 little puppies on a sand pile and several other aspects of village life in Panskura. I loved the feeling of Shakti making meditation so deep in Baba's room. I loved working with the other volunteers and the comradery they shared.

I loved meeting the volunteers from Texas and the early yoga classes and the singing of Baba nam Kevalam. I loved the curries at the Delhi hotel restaurant and the eggplant pakora in the dark basement at the school. I loved the Panskura village jilebi (a sweet) and the vegetarian chowmein stand that I ate at every night while others were on the boat trip. I loved the friendly smile of the little boys who worked in the hotel. I could just go on and on with all the things I loved…

When someone feels called to do service for orphans and the poor, there's no more needy place perhaps than India.